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Prison To Purpose

Ben's personal journey of overcoming adversity, finding purpose, and rebuilding his life after prison.


Ben loves sharing about his transformative journey into entrepreneurship. Lessons in innovation, taking calculated risks, learning through failure, and creating impactful solutions to shape the future.

Real Estate Investing

Behind the scenes insights into the world of real estate investing, including strategies for success, hedge funds, market trends, and overcoming challenges along the way.


Ben found his start to the real estate industry through the vehicle of Wholesaling. Ben is an expert at sourcing off-market deals, building a lean team, and selling properties nationwide to some of the largest institutions in the space.

Digital Marketing

How to use online channels and platforms to help small businesses grow; and how to promote products, services, or brands and reach a targeted audiences.

'AI' Client Conversion Method

How Ben's company, Client Pro AI, utilizes artificial intelligence to revolutionize business operations and streamline communication.

Leveraging Systems & Smart Technology

The power of leveraging systems, automation, and smart technology to scale businesses and maximize productivity.

Power of Mindset & Daily Habits

Ben's approach to cultivating a powerful mindset, developing positive habits, and maintaining focus amidst challenges.

Team Building & Collaboration

The importance of building effective teams and fostering collaboration to drive success in real estate and entrepreneurship.

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